Thursday, October 13, 2011


Motivation can be described as the process which initiates, directs and maintains goal-oriented behaviors.  It causes us to act and involves biological, emotional and cognitive clout that activates behavior.  

The three major components of motivation are activation (decision to initiate behavior ie: signing up for a 5k), persistence (continued effort toward goal despite obstacles ie: training for said 5k amidst shin splints, injury, etc.), and intensity (concentration and moxie that it takes to achieve goal ie: getting yourself to the starting line and running through the finish line). 

I often try to talk myself out of running or working out almost everyday.  I come up with a list of, what I think, are validating reasons for why I should be lazy.  Anything from, Miles (my 9 month-old son) waking up frequently in the night, to going to bed too late, to needing to clean my house, to Audrey (my 4 year-old) needing my time, etc. etc.  The list can go on and on and we feel righteous in these decisions because they seem sound.  We lose motivation when we think this way.  Our minds tell our bodies that it's not up for the challenge today.  So we put it off for an infinite amount of tomorrow's and before we know it we are weak, unhealthy and most of all, hating ourselves.  

What motivates you?  Today, I ran with my two youngest in the double jogging stroller for 2.81 miles.  I still can't run long distance without stopping while pushing that beast, but I get out there and feel awesome for doing so.  What's my motivation?  A number of things, really.  I like the way I feel when I'm in shape.  I like the way my size 3/4 jeans feel when I slide them right over my butt no problem.  I like the energy I feel throughout the day after having worked out.  I like how strong I feel.  I mean, what's not to like?!  Sure, there are moments of weakness when your mind tells your body you are unable to push past that threshold while doing push-ups or while running or any number of things you do to your body to better it.  But that pain is temporary.  And that pain, as the Marines say, is weakness leaving your body.  Figure out what motivates you.  Tell yourself everyday you want to be healthy and fit and you will have it.  Because right now, someone who is busier than you is running.

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